Take the first step from where you are
to where you want to be.
Education is your passport to the future...
..but traditional institutions that regiment and control what and when students learn are not the only way to get an education.
Learners don’t hate learning. They hate the compulsion, manipulation and control of their learning.
We’re changing this.
Lime Feather Learning® offers educational courses designed for life and work in the 21st century, aligned with university- and career-readiness requirements for this millennium – courses to prepare you for a successful future.
You can home educate in freedom, following whatever philosophy or eclectic selection of learning resources you like. You can follow your interests and delights and then end your high school years with a GED® certificate (instead of the NCEA).
We’re equipping you for your future.
You can study further at university. You can get a good job. You could even start your own business.

Lime Feather Learning® is an authorised GED® service provider.
GED® high school equivalency diploma

The GED®is an American high school equivalency credential. It is an alternative to national school-leaving exams. It is widely accepted by universities in New Zealand, Australia and internationally, in combination with a prescribed SAT score.
Online GED® prep

The online GED® prep study programme we offer is approved by the GED Testing Service®. Everything you need to prepare for the tests is provided online. We support and guide you through the entire testing process. We believe everyone can succeed!
My daughter is doing the GED® and all I can say is wow – her whole attitude towards learning has changed. I’m so thankful.
Andrea Koutas
Take the first step

Over 20 million people around the world have achieved the GED® credential. It has opened the doors to further study and better career opportunities for all of them. We, at Lime Feather Learning®, will guide you at each step of the way as we help you to become one of them too. Start any time of year and book your tests whenever you are ready. No pressure. No deadlines.
The service level and dedication to quality from your side
is unbelievable and much appreciated.
~ Gernon Michaels